Alison Cerezo

A Bit about Me
Alison Cerezo is an Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology.
Dr. Cerezo’s primary line of research centers on reducing social and health disparities for sexual and gender diverse communities. Most recently, their work has focused on the links between stigma, discrimination and alcohol misuse and alcohol risk behaviors in sexual minority women. They are also interested in reducing barriers to mental health treatment for this community. Dr. Cerezo uses qualitative, quantitative and mixed methodologies and has carried out research on sexual and gender diverse communities in the U.S. and Mexico.
Dr. Alison Cerezo is currently the faculty advisor for the Healing Space, a specialty clinic that provides psychological services to Black clients of all ages. This clinic began in fall 2020 in direct response to the killing of George Floyd and other police violence against Black Americans and with the impetus of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Their research and clinical work are centered on the links between stress, trauma, mental health and substance use in communities that have faced interpersonal and structural barriers. Alison also maintains a private practice where she serves BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities.
Most Recent Awards and Honors
Faculty Diversity Award, Academic Senate, University of California Santa Barbara, 2023
Georgia Babladelis Best Paper Award for 2020, Psychology of Women Quarterly, Division 35, American Psychological Association, 2021
Fellow, Addiction Scientists Strengthened through Education and Training (ASSET), San Diego State University/University of California San Diego via NIDA, 2021