Kenneth Williams

A Bit about Me
His first two years as an Art major, Dr. Ken Williams would eventually study Physics in Birmingham, Alabama of the 1980ies. Since 2018 he is an Instructor of Physics, Math & Statistics with C.L.A.S. at The University of California, Santa Barbara. He’s held a postdoctoral fellowship at CEBAF (now Jefferson Lab) and teaching posts at a number of Institutions, having research published in Physical Review, the Journal of Physics and other outlets.
“The function of Education”, he likes to say, quoting MLK, “is to teach one to think critically; intelligence plus character is the goal of Education” in line with Einstein’s (another favorite) “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”
Currently his interest is in the Foundations of Mathematics, and his most recent Gödel Forever offers a critical analysis of a number of foundational claims laid to the deductive Incompleteness of Mathematics discovered by Gödel almost a century ago.
He retires in January 24’.