Marcus Mathis

A Bit about Me
Born and raised in Inglewood, California, Marcus has been a member of this campus community for over 20 years. Earned a double major in Black Studies and Art History, and is pursuing a graduate degree at the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education. He spent 2 years researching Latin American and American art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art before returning to UCSB to work in the Office of Admissions as an Outreach Counselor serving the Los Angeles area, and focusing on African American recruitment. After admissions he became an EOP Counselor and Coordinators of the African diasporic and Chicanx/Latinx Cultural Resource Center. After a short stint as the Coordinator for the McNair Scholar’s Program, Marcus has returned to Admissions to serve as the Assistant Director of Diversity Initiatives, where he has been charged with developing new recruitment approaches with the goal of increasing the percentage of Black Students at UCSB.