Professor Sabrina Strings publishes THE END OF LOVE

Professor Sabrina Strings, North Hall Chair of Black Studies, publishes The End of Love: Racism, Sexism, and the Death of Romance (Beacon Press, 2024)
In “The End of Love,” Strings blends historical research, personal anecdotes and cultural criticism to consider the demise of romantic partnerships, emphasizing how racism and anti-feminist ideology have been the driving forces behind it. By interrogating how ideas about contemporary love came about, Strings shows how the romance narrative served as a blueprint for a racialized dating landscape.
Source and Full Article:
The Current
Related links:
"Is Romance Dead?" - Podcast: "Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness"
The End of Love (Beacon Press, 2024)
Ms. Magazine gives The End of Love HYPE!
San Diego Union Tribune
Think Podcast, National Public Radio
The Atlantic