E.B.O.N.I. wants to create a safe space for Black womxn identifying students by reinstating the student run organization Akanke.
We want to put emphasis on social events and outreach to the broader Goleta Black youth community to help foster a sense of community and connection. We want to foster a space for fellow Black womxn identifying students to promote sisterhood, as we make the transitions into a predominantly white institution.
Meet the E.B.O.N.I. Team
E.B.O.N.I. Signature Program
Black Womxn's Appreciation Night
Saturday, April 14, 2024 | 4-7 pm
A night of celebration and pride in everything relationing to black womxn.

E.B.O.N.I. Events
You can't miss it
EBONI - 4 Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events.

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Every Black Obinrin Need Ife