Kennedy/Graves Award

The Kennedy/Graves endowment was established by Dr. Shirley Kennedy and named in honor of her mother, Ione H. Graves. After her death in 2003, the Center Black Studies research established an annual lecture in her name.
The Center has produced a brief documentary of Dr. Kennedy’s life, "It Was All of Us."
The Kennedy/Graves Award was given for the first time in Spring 2013 to two UCSB Barbara students:
Yoel Y. Haile was selected for the undergraduate award.
Shardé M. Davis was selected for the graduate award.
Both students were selected for their extraordinary academic engagement and activism reflecting the spirit of Dr. Shirley Kennedy.
Dr. Shirley Kennedy, a late professor in the Black Studies Department, was known for her local activism and for serving as a bridge between the university and the Santa Barbara community.
The Kennedy/Graves Award supports undergraduate and graduate students in any academic discipline who are doing research that pertains to Black Studies. The award also recognizes engaged scholarship that promotes social justice and transformative education.
Awardees will be expected to complete a detailed report on their use of research funds and present their research in the spring following year (graduated students will not be required to return to campus to present).
For more information contact Mark Shishim,