Student Engagement and Enrichment in Data Science (SEEDS)

We are an interdisciplinary vision of computing research that bridges Black Studies, Chicano Studies, Statistics, Psychological and Brain Sciences, Mathematics, Anthropology, English, Linguistics, Political Science, Physics, Economics, Global Studies, Sociology, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, Engineering and Computer Science to create a new and student-driven foundation through a data science living and learning community for understanding issues of personal significance through a diverse lens.
A Data Science Living and Learning community for UCSB students (including incoming Freshman and Transfer). This program will draw the interest of prospective and current students that prioritize professional outcomes, small cohort-based learning, and opportunities for interdisciplinary and convergent learning. This is an opportunity for UCSB student populations to deeply understand and potentially make meaningful contributions in data science with goals to study ethics, how data is conceptualized and utilized in STEM, Social Sciences and Humanities. Our focus is to approach data science through workshops, conversations, mini lectures with a goal of integrating data science towards formal instruction in diverse disciplines.
We work with partner Departments on campus to connect first year and transfer students in various majors to foster skills, training and workforce development. Beyond the obvious PSTAT and Math Departments, our student majors include Computer Science, Molecular and Cellular Developmental Biology. In the Social Sciences, key majors include: Black Studies, Chicano Studies, Sociology, Communications, and Economics.
Application is now available
For more information please view the following:
SEEDS Overview and Presentation
SEEDS, Center for Black Studies Research