The Umoja Community is a California-based program that focuses on the educational success of African American and other students.

The mission of the Umoja Community aims to promote unity within the community and offer critical resources to improve the cultural and educational experiences, careers, and future prospects of African American and other students.

The program is named after the Kiswahili word for unity and is committed to assisting students in their academic and professional endeavors.

Increase Student Success

The primary mission of the Umoja Community is to increase the educational success and achievement of African American and other students who may face various barriers to their academic progress.

Cultivate a Supportive Community

Umoja strives to create a supportive and inclusive community on campus where students can feel a sense of belonging. This includes promoting cultural awareness, understanding, and unity.

Provide Educational and Personal Development

The program often offers specialized courses, workshops, mentoring, and counseling to help students develop both academically and personally. This may include topics like African and African American history, culture, and leadership.

Equity and Social Justice

Umoja is often rooted in a commitment to equity and social justice. It seeks to address systemic barriers and disparities that African American students may face in higher education and society at large.

Transfer and Graduation

Umoja programs often aim to help students successfully transfer to four-year institutions or graduate with a degree or certificate. This includes assistance with the transfer process, scholarship opportunities, and career readiness.

Community Engagement

Some Umoja programs also emphasize community engagement and giving back, encouraging students to become active and responsible citizens who contribute positively to their communities.

It's important to note that the specific mission and goals of Umoja programs may vary from one institution to another, but they generally share a commitment to supporting the success of underrepresented minority students and promoting cultural awareness and unity on college campuses.

External Website

Umoja Community


UCSB Umoja Community Signature Event

Umoja Placeholder

There are two Black Men's Barbershop Talks per quarter from 5–7pm in the AdCRC.

Topics range on anything from building Black wealth to maintaining healthy relationships and self care.

Umoja Community Events

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Black Men's Barbershop Talk - 4 Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events.